Yaffa Fredrick Bio

Yaffa Fredrick

Yaffa Fredrick works as a multimedia producer in New York City. Fredrick favors short and long form content, with an emphasis on hard news and community activism stories. Since beginning her professional career, Fredrick has made custom broadcast and digital pieces. Fredrick has been employed by PBS, MTV, and most recently, the World Policy Journal.

Yaffa Fredrick completed her undergraduate studies in political science and filmmaking at Wellesley College. Since college, Fredrick has been searching for stories that both inform her target audience and move them to act. She reports on issues ranging from domestic violence to climate change to international affairs.

While at the United Kingdom’s Oxford University, Fredrick became especially interested in International Affairs. At Oxford, Yaffa Fredrick studied issues ranging from the politics of African economies and the complexities of Middle Eastern diplomacy. This exposure inspired Fredrick to complete her thesis on the Politics of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. This work earned Fredrick honors in her major and the prestigious Jerome F. Schiff Fellowship.

Her desire to pursue global stories also moved Fredrick to participate in the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute of Global Affairs. At the Institute, she had the privilege of apprenticing under the former Secretary of State and her many political disciples.

In addition to her passion for global affairs, Yaffa Fredrick also has a special attraction to legislative affairs and the legal system, both of which were informed by her time working at Georgetown University’s Law Center and the New York County Office of the District Attorney. During that time, Fredrick came to better understand the legislative and judicial processes at work. Fredrick has since searched for stories to build around these critical civic processes.

When Yaffa Fredrick is not probing around for a news piece, she can be found winding in and out corner coffee shops or combing local bookstores for out-of-print classics. She has also been known to sporadically record her thoughts about the absurdity of being a twenty-something in the Big Apple.